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The Agitators of Ethnic Panic

Richard Seymour’s “Dreaming of Downfall” provides a crucial analysis of the recent wave of racial violence across Britain, exposing the deep-rooted anxieties and deliberate provocations that have led to this disturbing moment in the nation’s history.

iPhone displays Social Media App-Icons

The Tyranny of the Algorithm

The growing concentration of power in the digital realm, exemplified by Elon Musk’s control over X, poses unprecedented risks to both online discourse and real-world stability.

The Unraveling of Our Modern World

Crisis is the word that keeps coming back to haunt us. Whether it’s the crisis of democracy, the crisis of liberalism, or the overarching notion of a time of crisis, we seem perpetually embroiled in a state of polycrisis.

Liberalism’s Betrayal: Defending Fascism in Times of Crisis

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump has spotlighted a troubling paradox: why do liberal institutions and figures often defend fascist politicians, even when these politicians espouse values antithetical to liberalism? This article delves into the inherent contradictions within liberalism that lead it to shield authoritarian figures like Trump, arguing that these actions reveal a deeper alignment with capitalist interests and a fear of revolutionary change.

No to racism graphic from the NPA

The Real Forces Behind Le Pen’s Rise

Marine Le Pen’s rise in French politics, often attributed to immigration and crime, is more accurately understood as a reaction to the economic exploitation and inequality perpetuated by the capitalist system.

Liberalism’s Betrayal: Defending Fascism in Times of Crisis

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump has spotlighted a troubling paradox: why do liberal institutions and figures often defend fascist politicians, even when these politicians espouse values antithetical to liberalism? This article delves into the inherent contradictions within liberalism that lead it to shield authoritarian figures like Trump, arguing that these actions reveal a deeper alignment with capitalist interests and a fear of revolutionary change.

9th National Ceasefire Now march, to Israeli Embassy London 17th February 2024.

Ghosts of Thatcherism

The UK government’s attack on dissent and protest rights echoes a long history of state suppression, revealing a deep fear of the power of a mobilised working class.

Just Stop Oil protestors

The Unanticipated Opera: A Symphony of Dissent at Glyndebourne

On a seemingly ordinary Thursday, at the time-honoured Glyndebourne opera festival, an unexpected interlude of protest emerged. In the sanctuary of the arts, amid the melody of Francis Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmélites, a dissenting chorus brought the opera to a standstill. Sparked by the cause of Just Stop Oil, the interruption blended a traditional form of high culture with the pressing concerns of our era. This is the narrative of that day, a symphony of dissent resounding from the grand opera house to the streets of London.

A graphic from the Tories twitter campaign on "We Must Stop the Boats"

The Tories’ Creeping Fascism: Manipulating the Media and Demonising Migrants

This post explores the growing threat of creeping fascism in the UK political landscape, particularly within the Conservative Party. It examines recent actions by the government, including the exclusion of critical media outlets from the Home Secretary’s trip to Rwanda and the policy to deport asylum seekers, in light of the “creeping fascism” thesis. The post argues that the Tories’ use of jingoistic and anti-immigrant rhetoric is a deliberate tactic to distract from the real issues facing the UK and consolidate their power.

Blood Sport: The BBC vs the Tories

It’s a classic case of power versus principle, and the stakes have never been higher. In the end, it’s not just about football – it’s about the very soul of our democracy.

The Migrant and Refugee Policy Crisis Series

In these three articles, I explore the UK government’s relentless commitment to harsher measures against migrants and refugees, perpetuating harmful myths about them and reinforcing anti-immigrant sentiment.

Tory crackdown on migrants denounced by human rights groups and charities, amid warnings of creeping fascism and global police state

Charities working with refugees and human rights experts have denounced the UK’s illegal migration bill, as concerns mount about the rise of creeping fascism and a global police state. As warnings from the writings of Neil Faulkner, Phil Hearse, and William I. Robinson become more urgent than ever, it’s clear that doing nothing is not an option. It’s time to take action and stand up for the most vulnerable members of society.