anti capitalist musings

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Donald Trump, Elon Musk with his son X

The Hollow Presidency

The presidency was already a sideshow in Trump’s first term, but his second has stripped it of any remaining dignity, turning the White House into just another stage for his brand of gaudy, transactional spectacle.

Predicted Guilt

What if the greatest threat to your freedom wasn’t a government decree, a criminal act, or even a political ideology, but an algorithm? The Dream Hotel, Laila Lalami’s chilling new novel, imagines a world in which surveillance capitalism governs not only what we do, but who we are allowed to be.

Still from the movie The Apprentice showing Jeremy Strong and Sebastian Stan seated in the back of a limousine.

Rewatching the Apprentice

A masterful dissection of power, corruption, and the making of modern America, The Apprentice deserved to sweep the Oscars, but the Academy, as always, chose safety over truth.

Front cover of "Disputing Disaster"

Disputing Disaster

Histories of 1914 and the start of the First World War continue to proliferate, yet few reflect on how those histories themselves have been shaped. Perry Anderson’s Disputing Disaster is a forensic examination of how the war’s origins have been written, but what does it omit?

A photograph of a wall on Castor Church which show Roman bricks as part of the construction.

A City Between

Peterborough lies on the edge of the Fens, a city without hills, shaped by wind that moves unhindered across the flatlands. It is a place that resists definition, constantly reshaped, rebuilt, and erased, where history lingers in fragments and memory holds more permanence than the streets themselves.

Graffiti that states "The People Want the Fall of the Regime"

France on the Brink: A Pre-Revolutionary State?

In his compelling article on Sidecar “The French Uprising,” Frédéric Lordon examines the current political and social unrest in France, suggesting that the nation may be on the brink of a revolutionary transformation. In this post I explore some of his ideas.