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UK Government’s Illegal Migration Bill: A Tyrannical Move to Suppress Refugee Rights

The UK government's latest announcement in the house, aims to curb small boat arrivals and limit asylum seeker's rights, with claims of 100 million potential asylum seekers being a mere scaremongering tactic. This bill is nothing more than a blatant violation of international human rights law and a move towards authoritarianism.

In a stark announcement made today, the UK’s home secretary, Suella Braverman, has claimed that over 100 million asylum seekers could potentially qualify for protection under current laws. However, this latest proclamation smacks of the government’s usual tactics of fearmongering and propaganda.

Braverman’s so-called “hardline” rules aim to prevent refugees from entering the UK via small boats. The government’s latest illegal migration bill intends to place a legal duty on the home secretary to detain and remove nearly all those who arrive “irregularly.” This move would effectively criminalise people who are merely seeking safety from persecution and violence.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman

This government’s illegal migration bill presents a deeply concerning shift towards authoritarianism and creeping fascism. The bill’s harsh restrictions on the rights of refugees and migrants, coupled with its criminalisation and detention of innocent people, echoes the tactics employed by fascist regimes of the past. In a clear violation of international human rights law, the bill also aims to limit the rights of asylum seekers to use a judicial review to challenge decisions. Furthermore, the government seeks to bypass legal safeguards that are in place to protect the rights of refugees and migrants. These moves reflect the government’s blatant disregard for basic principles of justice and fairness.

To further aggravate the situation, the bill also proposes the backdating of the law to allow for the removal of anyone who reaches the UK from the moment Braverman announced the plan. This move is a clear indication of the government’s intent to prioritise their political agenda over the safety and wellbeing of refugees and migrants.

It is crucial to note that the figures presented by Braverman seem vastly exaggerated and do not reflect the reality of the situation. The UK asylum system is already a highly restrictive process, and the government’s attempts to make it even harder for refugees and migrants to seek protection in the country are nothing short of tyrannical.

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